Thursday 8 December 2016

Why were we so excited? Well aside from the fact that it was so cool to have your own computer before most people had even heard of them, you could play GAMES on them. In fact, as far as we were concerned, there was no other point to them.

DAWN PATROL This game was the computer equivalent of Battleships. You had to guess where mines had been planted on a grid then move a rudimentary ship-shape around trying to avoid getting blown up. A crude tennis-style game called PONG was also available, but didn’t grab me because I’d already played the TV version. HANGMAN was fun for a while, but not much different from playing it with pencil and paper. None of these were game-changers, but bear in mind that both the graphics and the strategic opportunities were minimal at this stage. The novelty value was restricted to manipulating a few dots and dashes on a screen, or typing in gobbledegook and seeing it magically produce some new dots and dashes.

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